Demitasse Spoons

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My Daddy spent his entire career in international business. Throughout his career he travelled to over 120 countries, some often more than once. Whenever he travelled, he would always remember to bring back something significant from his travels, both for my Mom and for me. For me, it was usually a doll dressed in native costume. For my Mom, it was often a sconce or a piece of artwork. Sometimes it was a demitasse spoon. Mom saved each spoon and displayed them in their home for years. One day she passed them on to me. Now I display a portion of these spoons on a vintage spoon rack in our dining room. It gives me a great deal of pleasure to recall some of the exotic and exciting places where my Daddy conducted business.

I am participating in Cindy's Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's Romantic Home. I hope that you will go to her site and visit all the other show and tell features.

Susan and Bentley


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