Space Bags & Football Games!

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Ahh...the weekend. It's a little hard being back at work right now, especially since the rain is just pouring down. Luckily, the boss man is out due to a client meeting in St. Louis which means "casual" dress in the office -- jeans on a Monday, I will take it!

We enjoyed a relaxing weekend in DC coming off of the high of finding out M.'s wonderful job news. By the way -- thank you for all of your amazing comments! I was excited to see them and I know that M. was too! He's really excited about his job because it's exactly what he wants to do and with so many people, including all of his law school friends, most without jobs, he is thankful to have gotten a position with an actual firm that practices the type of law that he is interested in. Awesome!

Friday my boss let us out early which meant a quick nap for me (M. was chatting on the phone with one of his law school buddies) and then we decided to go out for dinner. We went for the old standby -- The Cheesecake Factory because I was absolutely craving a piece of their red velvet cheesecake -- YUM. We enjoyed our dinner, came home and I CRASHED on the couch. I'm really not sure why, but on Friday evenings I can fall asleep SO easily...maybe just because I know I have the whole weekend ahead of me!

Saturday we were awakened by a phone call from my mom. She was surprised that we were still sleeping at 10:00am, but I told her that sleeping in was one of the positives of being a newlywed with no kids to worry about! :) Anyway, she was calling from Newark airport -- her and my dad were waiting for their flight to Beijing! They're going for a vacation/to visit my brother who has been living their for a little more than a year. Hopefully their flight went well and they were able to sleep a little bit! :)

After getting ourselves out of bed we made our way to Chinatown to visit the Bed Bath & Beyond to pick up some new Brita filters and my beloved Space Bags. We enjoyed a quick lunch out and then made our way back home so I could start organizing and so M. could start his football watching! That's how we spent the rest of the day really. I Space Bagged all of my summer clothing to fit them into two big gray tubs and M. enjoyed the college football! It was slightly bittersweet putting away my summer clothes, but really, I am READY for some fall clothing -- and with the weather we've been having over the past week, fall is definitely here to stay!

Later in the afternoon the main event came on TV -- LSU vs. TN -- the game was really great and towards the end I actually started watching with M. because it was getting so close! We really thought they had it and M. was SO EXCITED, but if any of you watched the game you know that TN ended up having too many players on the field during the last play and LSU was given another shot at the touchdown. LSU took home the victory, but boy was it exciting when we thought TN had it.

Sunday morning we got up and M. walked with me over to Eastern Market before taking off to meet up with some friends to watch some of the NFL games. I browsed the market for a little while and enjoyed the cool, breezy weather. Nothing really caught my eye though so I made my way home and spent the afternoon watching Lifetime movies -- I know, super lame, but every once in a while I need my Lifetime fix!

Overall a super relaxing weekend and I surprisingly managed to keep my mind off waiting to hear about my potential job. I'm thinking I'll probably hear something this week -- I'm really hoping its not bad news!

I hope your weekend was absolutely wonderful! Four more days until another fabulous weekend! :)


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