How to approach a blogger. A lesson in PR no-nos

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Bloggers get all kind of weird to unintentionally hilarious emails from PR people who have absolutely no clue. Despite popular belief, I don't usually use this space to roast them good and well, but this email was too  much. My comments are in red.

Subject: Blogging Opportunity - Unleash Your Inner Blonde with *****
Hi Mónica! (Seriously? A copy & paste fail)
With summer just around the corner I thought you might be interested in learning more about the most requested color in salons: Blonde! (looking up at the name and title of my blog. How in the world did I miss that?)
Blondes are always in high demand (Sure. Rub it in a little more) – it’s the number one requested hair color in salons, representing more than 50% of all color services! (I'm not only a brunette, I also don't get things the first time I read them) Blondes are in high demand because the color rarely occurs in nature and correlates with youthfulness (because we all turn brunette as we age), and now *****  is making sure the most desirable hair color is obtainable for every woman with its two newest color services:
(boring description of Most! Awesome! Product! Ever!  It! Will! Make! You! Blonde!)
If you’re interested in learning more about going blonde and these new products from ***** to share with the readers, let me know! (Obviously. I'm crafting a request for samples as we speak)
I’m working on behalf of ***** to get the word out about their latest and greatest offerings – so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! (And you're doing a mighty fine job, honey)
**** Poor PR Person

Community Ambassador (which means someone is paying for this fine job)

Social Media Marketing (Having an email account a does not a social media expert make)



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