What’s on tap for the weekend everyone?! The weather is supposed to be semi-nice here this weekend so hopefully I’ll be able to get some running in and for the most part, I plan on partaking in my usual weekend activity – relaxing. I may even try and drag M. to the butterfly exhibit at the Natural History Museum. I’ve been dying to see it and I know that it’ll be leaving soon. It’s also time for me to go through the giant box of spring and summer clothes that my parents brought for me during their visit a few weeks ago. I’m so excited to start wearing fun flats instead of the brown flat boots I am sporting right now. I’m also super excited about getting back into my bright and pastel colored piece…hence the pale pink top today!
This work week has been CUH-RAZY! I’ve been knocking out project after project and I must say that this week alone has certainly helped me build my creative portfolio. I made sure to take photos of everything that I put together this week and definitely plan on using them as future presentation pieces. I wish that I could show you my creations, but unfortunately they are quite brand specific – my current company specific and the brands we’re working with specific – so it may not be wise to put them up on this blog for all 212 of you to view. :)
I’ve maintained yet another week of the high protein plan and feel AMAZING! I have so much more energy and my body just feels good, BUT I’m looking forward to some good old cheat day food tomorrow. I’m thinking a little Easter Candy and possibly an onion ring or two…or five. :)
Have a wonderful Friday and wonderful weekend everyone!

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