Snow Flurry Monday

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Another fabulous weekend, but of course it went by WAY too quickly!

The event on Friday night was absolutely fabulous and M. made it in time to come with me! We stayed around for about an hour, enjoyed a cocktail or two, a few yummy apps and then headed home to enjoy our “comfort food” dinner together. The chili turned out to be SO delicious, but even better were the rolls I made. They turned out twice as delicious as my first attempt on Thanksgiving. We lounged around for the evening and caught up on some TV shows before heading to bed. I had stayed up SO late the evening before getting everything ready for M.’s arrival that I was really tired.

Saturday morning I was up to get ready to for my work event. Turns out it was a hit and a ton of people showed up. Even more exciting I ran into the lovely Sunshine in the City! My first unofficial meet up with another blogger – and even more fun, I’ve actually been reading her blog for a long time now! When she first said my name I was completely surprised and after one moment of shock I completely recognized her and was so happy to see her! It was great to have the chance to chat for a few minutes, but I’m hoping we’ll be able to get together for an “official” meet up in the very near future.

When the event ended I made my way back home to find M. lounging on the couch watching the SEC championship game. Even though we originally planned on going out that night, we decided that staying in was much more appealing especially because the winter weather is certainly here now – it’s freezing outside! We had another meal of chili and leftover rolls and just enjoyed each others company.

I’ve been on a breakfast kick lately so yesterday morning when I woke up I decided to make waffles. It was the first time I had used the waffle iron that we were gifted for the wedding and I absolutely loved it – there will be many waffles in our future. :) No photos this time, but let me just say they were SUPER tasty and pretty too!

Sunday we took a long walk (from 72nd street) to visit my old home at Columbia University (I lived there for a summer when I worked in the city) – we walked around the campus (which is BEAUTIFUL by the way), stopped for a light lunch and then headed home. It was a seriously chilly day, but beautiful with the sun shining and blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds.

I’m gearing up for yet another work week. I’ve decided that since I don’t end up getting home until 6:30 each evening I am going to have to start working out in the mornings again. I don’t like working out late into the evening and I also don’t want to be eating dinner every night at 7:30 – so an early wake up call it is – plus, it will probably be good for me to start getting up early again. So this morning I was up at 6:00 am to get in a good four miles before getting ready and leaving for work. Tonight I’ll be turning on "The Shred" yet again and I’ve been thinking about purchasing this other Jillian video for more “relaxed” weekend workouts. Do any of you have this video?!

Anyway, I’m sure it will be another busy week here and I am determined to finish all of my Christmas shopping this week so that I can really start to enjoy the holiday season. On my walk this morning it was snowing so that's certainly getting me in the holiday spirit! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and an even better week! :)


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