Little Miss Busy

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It's a crazy busy day around these parts...

I got my 5 mile run in last night (followed by my delicious leftover tomato soup and grilled cheese just as planned!) and then was up again at 6:00am this morning to run another 5. I'm feeling VERY awake and ready for my work day which consists of multiple RFP's, agency forms to fill out, meetings and then to top it all off a work event this evening. Busy, busy, busy! In addition I decided that today (the day that I'll probably be running around the most) I should pull out my over the knee black suede seems like a good choice, but in reality the soles of the shoes have been known to cause a few slips and falls in the past (the things you do for fashion) so I'm crossing all of my fingers and toes that I won't be making any dramatic falls today!
For the rest of this week the things on my mind are:
  • The 4 Christmas gifts I still need to buy
  • A special project that I'm working on for our "Christmas Card"
  • Another special project I've been working on for our new address in NYC
  • Packing up a box of things to bring home to North Carolina
  • Potentially setting up a blog sale for next week
  • A small trip to the grocery store tomorrow evening
What's your day/rest of your week looking like?!


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