Questing at Housewife Eclectic

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Just my regular little note to let you know that I'm questing (for a blog button) over at Housewife Eclectic again today, finishing up creating a blog button in Picasa. And, yes, questing is actually a word. I thought I was making it up! Apparently quest is also a verb. I certainly didn't know. My ignorance may be due to the fact that the English language is dead... or  that I was up late making this little ensemble

because, that's right, my baby turns 1 today! Gah, where has the time gone?!? And, simultaneously, has it really only been a year? I'm vascillating between sentimental because "I just can't remember our family without him" and tired: "I could swear he's stressed at least 3 years off my life..."

Just a year ago, he was this little guy in a basket and now he's a not-so-little guy pulling all my fabric stash out of the same basket
and consequently getting stuck half-way tipped over, unable to sit up and unwilling to just lie back. That's my sweet boy :)


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