Wedding Recap: Honeymoon…less

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Some of you are probably wondering why I have been blogging this week. Shouldn’t I be on some sort of amazing European adventure or digging my toes into beautiful, soft white sand looking out to crystal clear water?! Why yes, I should be, but instead I am sitting at my work desk in DC.

Believe me, I’m actually quite OK with it. As I’ve mentioned many times, M. was kind enough to let me plan a June wedding smack in the middle of his bar prep so the trade off is a delayed honeymoon. While it would’ve been nice to jet off to some amazing vacation right after the wedding, I am actually kind of enjoying the anticipation. In my post yesterday I mentioned how we’ve been on such a “high” all of last week and now instead of prolonging that “high” we get to break it up a little bit (either way, we’re still enjoying the super ecstatic and lovey-dovey feeling of being newlyweds despite being honeymoon-less for now!)

So instead of cramming all of our excitement and joy into one crazy/busy two weeks we’re going to bask in the excitement of our newly proclaimed wifery/husbandry and we’re going to let M. finish studying for the bar, take the bar (towards the end of July), and then we’re going to take a mini honeymoon and start planning for our “big” honeymoon. See…our choice to delay our honeymoon actually has benefits. We’re planning on taking a long weekend as a “mini” honeymoon (either to NYC [we’ve both been, but never together] or to Sea Island, GA/the beach) and then we’re going to start the planning for our “big” honeymoon (either to Northern France & Switzerland or Greece…or let’s be honest, there are so many fun places to go we haven’t exactly decided this yet!).

So you see? We’re not really suffering too much right now. We have so many fun things to look forward to including these super fun trips! It also doesn’t hurt that we’re taking an impromptu trip to the beach this weekend for a quick getaway! :) Not bad...not bad at all! :)

**Images from the top: NYC, Sea Island, GA, Switzerland, Greece -- all from Google Images**


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