Breaking News: Lime Crime To Be Stocked in SpaceNK

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Yes, really.  According to Doe Deere, SpaceNK will be stocking her range of cosmetics in April 2010.  The line itself has attracted criticism in the past, both for its products and its business practice of threatening bloggers with legal action for less than glowing reviews, and asking for non-positive comments to be removed.

I don't have an opinion on Lime Crime's products, as I've never used them, but I'm not too sure that the childlike, sometimes garish packaging is going to fit in too well with the aura of sophisticated luxury I expect from SpaceNK.  I'll be curious to see what kind of prices are being charged; common opinion already seems to be that Lime Crime Cosmetics are overpriced for their quality, and given that US products usually incur a hefty markup when they arrive in the UK, I'm wondering just how high the price of a Lime Crime lipstick is going to be.

What do you think?  Will you be purchasing Lime Crime from SpaceNK in April?


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