Becoming the Housewife MacGyver FINANCIALLY

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Don't forget to go enter the purse organizer giveaway from Anything Adorable!
Ends tomorrow (Friday) at noon.

Welcome to March, the month when we apply the Housewife MacGyver treatment to our finances. Thus far we've followed the commands to commit ourselves and then organize ourselves -- and we'll still be following those two commandments throughout the rest of the topics that we cover. (If you're just joining us and wondering what in the world I'm talking about, you can get the details here.)

So, achieving financial self-reliance through wise use of resources. By committing to improvement and organizing our finances.

Sound like a pipe dream? Maybe. But the goal with this whole Housewife MacGyver thing isn't to perfect everything right this instant -- it's to help each of us (okay, to help me and maybe hopefully some of you ;) to take the first small step to achieving that self-reliance.

So, take a look at your finances and think about self-reliance. Think about where you are, and where you'd like to be financially. Maybe you'd like to save more or pay off those debts; maybe you'd just like to know where all of your money disappears to between paychecks. I am in that second category. :)

In looking at your finances, how organized are they? how organized are YOU? What can you do to put your finances a bit more in order? Remember, we're learning to use our resources wisely, so we have to know what financial resources are available -- or NOT available.

So, the challenge for this month is to commit to taking one step toward that place-where-you'd-like-to-be-financially. ONE step. Baby steps are steps too! Commit, blog it, and link up (party below or click here if you're in a feed reader).

And then, get excited because we have four fantastic guests who will be joining us this month:
It's gonna be great! Thanks for reading!

Housewife MacGyver for Finances {the linky party}


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