With back to school in full swing, it’s hard not to reminisce on the late nights studying in the library, the headache that occurred from looking at the computer screen trying to decide just how to start that term paper, and the countless hours spent researching topics ranging from the “dying form” of print news to plant diversity, and of course that “job well done” feeling after receiving a A+ exam grade…ok maybe just an A. :)
Now with school WAY in my rearview mirror (I don’t really see myself going back anytime soon) it’s been interesting transitioning into the ‘real world’ of working and not having anything to really do when I get home each evening. I was used to doing homework, studying, or having meetings/activities scheduled whereas now when I get home I can relax, work out, cook, and watch TV without having to worry about having assignments finished by the next morning.
It makes sense to me now why so many people end up being overweight or depressed. Not that this is the only cause for these two things, but going to work and coming home with nothing to do means very little structure which can lead to things like lounging around on the couch all evening, eating without being hungry and overall feeling like you have little “purpose”. I am not trying to put on a fake front and say that I haven’t had my evenings that sound EXACTLY like this, but over the last few weeks I have realized just how important it is to have “structure” to your evenings or to your time spent at home after work is finished.
It hasn’t always been easy for me to keep myself occupied with “projects” (and the wedding was wonderful for this) so with the summer coming to a close and school starting up again, it’s a good time for me to make some new goals and tackle a few “projects” before Christmas rolls around.
So what’s on my list so far?!
• First off, a running goal. I haven’t yet signed up for a half marathon although I definitely see one in my future. Instead, for

• Donate my things. I am a pack rat and have accumulated SO MUCH STUFF. I know I have said it many times on the blog before, but I really need to go through everything I have and donate the things that I no longer use or haven’t used in the last

• Finish my London Scrapbook & Start/Finish a Wedding Scrapbook. The blog was an amazing way to track my progress and memories throughout my time in London and my time planning the wedding, but I really want to have scrapbooks for these events. It’s a fun way to get my fix of crafting while creating something to hold many of those memories that can’t be typed into a blog post. I’ll finish the London book fir

• Spend more quality time with my husband. This goal is really more long term and not something I'm trying to "finish" by November. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t you see him every evening and spend time with him everyday? Yes, of course I do, but I want to make it a goal to try new things. I mean things like taking dance lessons (we decided not to take lessons before the wedding), trying out a new sport or taking a cooking class together.
So there you have it. It’s a small list right now, but I am sure that I’ll add things later. It helps to have “projects” to work on to keep me from just being a big old bump on the couch….not that those evenings aren’t sometimes well deserved too. Either way, I hope I can get all of my "homework" finished before November! :)
Do you have any new personal goals or projects for the fall?! Suggestions for things I should add to my list are also welcome! :)

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