We Like the Color Brown

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Apparently we are big fans of the color brown, because that is really the only color to be found on our Thanksgiving Day table this year...ok, maybe not "brown," but certainly shades of beige. Before I review with you all that we dined on last evening, I figured I would re-cap the rest of our Thanksgiving Day!

Yesterday morning my alarm went off at 5:40 am...of course I hit the snooze button and ten minutes later I was walking around half asleep in
a dark apartment waking up my younger sister and also trying my best to get my husband out of bed. When I told M. it was time to get up he said..."let's just watch it on TV," but I knew that we HAD to go to the parade, and he secretly knew it too!

So 6:15 am it was and down the elevator we went to head outside for our walk to the parade area. Neither of us had ever been to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and we weren't completely sure where the best place to stand would be. So we followed the crowd somewhat, tried to get nearMacy's (which is next to impossible unless you have VIP tickets/passes...like C.'s good friend Alex -- lucky gal!) and
then ended up on one of the corners of 36th and the Avenue of the America's. There were already some people gathered (at least people were already lined against the barriers), but not so many that we didn't have a great view of the street. So after that we simply waited....it wasn't
super cold when we first got there, but a few hours in it started getting breezy which made it pretty chilly.

We listened to some of the conversations going on around us, hey, we were too tired to really "chat it up" while waiting. One couple standing near us were getting REALLY upset about the fact that they had been there since 5 am and "claimed their spots" with foldable chairs, but people just stood in front of their chairs anyway. It was pretty funny really for the simple fact that they had left so much space around them that it wasn't really a surprise that people started filling in the
blank spaces. Anyway, around 9 am we started hearing music from down the street coming from in front of Macy's and around 10 am we started seeing the floats come down the street.

The parade really was super fun! Even though our legs were
numb by the time we left it was so
cool to see the floats in person that I've been watching on TV every Thanksgiving morning for forever. There was a guy in front of us who was OBSESSED with every single celebrity coming
by, but he was getting frustrated by the fact that they would never be turned our way when their floats came by. I decided to help him out (because I have no shame) and would scream the celebrities names every time one would float by -- turns out SOME celebrities react to that type of thing. HA!

Although Kanye West and Jessica Simpson (who wouldn't move her head back and forth because it looked as though she was trying to keep her hair "in place") were the "main event"
celebrities yesterday I was actually more excited about seeing Sandra Lee from the Food Network so in the still of the crowd (I think people were kind of confused about who she was when she came by) I decided to yell "it's cocktail time!" and she proceeded to give me a smile and blew me a kiss. She's definitely VERY pretty in person! I was also super excited about seeing Joan Rivers who came down the street on a really fun "ice queen" themed float (or
at least that's what it looked like). She of course looks just as you would imagine!

We were actually pretty excited when Santa finally made his
appearance at the end of the parade because that meant it was time for us to head home. It was REALLY cold by the time we left, so cold in fact that it actually started snowing a little bit!On our way home (after making the biggest loop around the main Macy's area) we decided to stop for a little healthy breakfast...Dunkin' Doughnuts of course...you know, so that we'd have the strength to be ready to get everything going in the kitchen. I must say though, even though I love those pink frosted doughnuts at Dunkin'...they really have NOTHING on Krispy Kreme! :) As soon as the oven was preheated M. was putting our turkey in the oven and C. and I started preparing the rest of the dishes.

We had made the pies the evening before -- apple and pumpkin, cut up the onions for the sweet onion dip and the stuffing, cut the celery for the
stuffing, prepared the mac & cheese, and the assembled the rolls. So while the turkey was cooking the only things we had left to do were to assemble the stuffing, finish the mac & cheese with breadcrumbs, cut up the sweet potatoes for the sweet potato chips, prepare the dough for the parmesean and gruyere beignets and bake/fry everything up. I had really planned on making a green bean casserole, but I was just too tired from
the events that morning and we were all so ready to eat by that evening that I didn't even bother. M. was in charge of the mashed potatoes. Everything that we made turned out to be DELICIOUS. The only thing that needed a little tweaking was
the temperature of the oil for the beignets (it needed to be a little hotter), but really, everything turned out to be really great!

Like I said, we ended up with a completely "brown" plate, but after a morning of getting up SUPER early and then a day of eating nothing but a doughnut, we were so starving that evening that it didn't bother us one bit! The
turkey was done perfectly, the stuffing was filling, the mashed potatoes were REALLY great, the mac & cheese was the perfect comfort side item, and the homemade rolls were to die for! I am happy that my first
Thanksgiving meal did not disappoint. Even my apple pie turned out pretty similar to the way my grandmother makes it...her apple pie is my favorite!

My sister left this morning to head back home and it's been kind of a rainy, dreary day which has actually been wonderful. M.
and I have just spent time hanging out together, ate a plate full of leftovers for lunch, took a two hour nap and now we're watching the Auburn vs. Alabama football game which will be followed by a short walk outside (it's no longer actually raining) and then another plate of leftovers for dinner. A great Thanksgiving indeed.

For the rest of the weekend I'll be spending time with M. and enjoying every minute with him before I head back into the office on Monday. I hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends and I can't wait to catch up on all of your blogs on Monday! :)


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