Quickie Recap

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This weekend was SO MUCH FUN! M. was here and my sister arrived! Having two people you love being around is the absolute best!

C. didn't arrive until Saturday evening so most of Saturday was spent tidying up the apartment (M. brought all of his clothing and the rest of the stuff that was left in our other apartment) and we had our cable and internet all hooked up which took about two hours (crazy!). Once C. did arrive we went out for a cheap diner dinner, picked up a cupcake and headed home. We started watching a great movie, but C. of course fell asleep within minutes -- I seriously think our couch has magical powers! ;)

I've never been over the Brooklyn Bridge, so on Sunday that was our plan. Tonight we are taking C. out for a special dinner to celebrate her 21st birthday and tomorrow I will give you a better re-cap of all that we've been up to including some fun pictures from our weekend activities! I'm busy at work today, but M. and C. are out exploring the city and they'll be meeting me for lunch in a few hours. C. will also be meeting up with her boyfriend, G., and unfortunately I won't have a chance to meet him on this trip. Maybe next time?! A girl can only hope...

Until tomorrow...with a much more interesting post! :)


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