I'm Not So Into Reading...

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No, no...not your blogs! I LOVE reading all of your blogs. I'm talking about books -- I'm not so into reading books. There. I said it. I WISH I could say that I’ve always loved reading books, but growing up as a teenager I was much more interested in finding out about the latest fashions or the newest shade of lip-gloss in issues of Seventeen, Vogue, and Elle. I’ve always been a very creative/imaginative person and I’m actually surprised that I am not more into reading than I am. Reading books puts you into a totally different world, one different from your own, at least most of the time.

So as I was unpacking the final boxes last night in the new NYC apartment I began to pull out book after book after book – all books I’ve never read before, but books that I have propped prettily on my TV shelf/book shelf/bedroom side table. As my fingers pushed the very last title onto the shelf, a book that my mother found in a vintage store in NC with a beautiful red and gold spine, I decided that it was time for me to actually READ all of these "pretty" books – whether they’re actually any good or not, I’m going to read EVERY SINGLE ONE – a new goal. These days I thoroughly enjoy making new goals.

So I picked a book off of our newly, neatly organized shelf (of course I was immediately drawn to one of the books with a pink cover) and got to reading. The book, The Stepmother, is one that I received while doing my internship in London. I actually received many books from that internship because while there I was partially involved with the literary department (even though I was technically stationed in the Corporate Communications department) and reading submissions for new authors wanting to be represented by the agency was a daily task. It would take me months to tell you about all of the hilarious submissions that I read -- and I'm not using the term "hilarious" in the way you think; These submissions were so crazy and utterly terrible that they actually ended up being comical. Of course there were a few diamonds in the rough and considering it is a top literary and talent agency I guess I should have expected that every Tom, Dick and Harry who ever had a dream of being a famous author would have (and I suppose should have) attempted to gain their representation.

So anyway, I’m already about 50 pages in to The Stepmother with it's petal pink cover decorated with a sleek illustration of a seemingly fashionable gal and I am really enjoying the read! Of course I wouldn’t say it’s a literary masterpiece, but it’s definitely holding my attention. Plus, the book is written by a British author and the story is set in London so there are many references to places, restaurants and things that I was familiar with while I spent a semester there.

I've finally settled in to the NYC apartment (pictures to come VERY soon!), getting settled into my new job, getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with my two best friends, and now I’ve got plenty to do if I ever find any free time -- Read!

Have a FABULOUS weekend everyone! :)


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