A Long NY Week/end Recap

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Week two at the new job completed. Still learning -- slowly but surely, and I'm feeling A LOT more confident about my abilities in this position!

The cupcakes were a hit with the girls! My mom dropped off two red-velvet and two pumpkin spice both with cream cheese frosting. The girls loved them and devoured every bite. I think that it was a really nice gesture to show them how much I appreciate their help since starting last week. When my lovely mother came by to drop them off for me, she got to come up and take a quick"tour" of my new office space. She even had the chance to meet my supervisor which is great. Obviously I didn't want to be "that girl who brought her mom in to the office," but the girls reassured me that they've all done it too -- it's just such an interesting place to work that people want to see where "it all happens."

Anyway, so Tuesday night I came home and my mom had bought me the most AMAZING scented candle -- a "SOHO by Yankee Candle" candle to be exact and the scent is "pumpkin brulee." Seriously, this thing smells DELICIOUS -- I thought that my mom had baked something when I walked in the front door! If a store near you carries this divine thing, you need to bring one home ASAP.

Tuesday night we enjoyed the remaining chili from the night before and had a nice little table set up on the living room floor. Complete with candle it looks pretty cozy right?! Eh? Eh? No? Ok, well we tried! To be honest a plastic under-the-bed clothing container, an air-mattress doubling as a sitting spot and bed, and plastic "bowls" aka tupperwear can really only be so inviting. Good thing mom bought that great candle -- itcertainly made things feel more like home! ;)

Tuesday night I sorted through my clothing and tried to find things that I could either sell or send home with my mom. I found a few things and even finally decided that it was time to toss one of my most beloved items. I'm about to get a bit personal here people...shield your eyes if you think it might be too much to handle...I finally decided to throw away my nude colored bra. Now don't even kid yourself and say that you don't have a similar bra hiding out in your drawer...you know, the one that you've had literally FOREVER and you've worn it so many times that it really doesn't even fit you properly anymore!? No!? Am I the only one who had one of these
?! Well, as of Tuesday night, that baby was sitting in the garbage box...yep, we don't even have a trash can in the apartment yet...instead we created the "garbage box"...who wants to bother with garbage bags anyway?! :)

In addition to doing the unthinkable (throwing away that cherished under garment) my mom also put together our bedroom carpet. Yes, you read that correctly, she PUT IT TOGETHER. How do you "put together" a carpet you ask?! Well, because our new apartment has all wood floors, (unlike our old apartment which only had wood floors in the kitchen), we needed to make sure our little toesies were warm this winter by having a rug in our living room and in our bedroom. Unfortunately moving and living in New York ain't cheap, so I always opt for the low cost decorating methods or more often than not, the NO COST decorating methods. Luckily I also have an incredibly creative mom who is always thinking about how things she finds can be used to make spaces beautiful.

So about a week ago my mom was kind enough to go and scope out carpet remnants for M. and me. She found an inexpensive remnant for our living room in a neutral color with a soft texture which she purchased. While she was looking though, she noticed stacks upon stacks of "carpet squares"...you know, the pieces they use as the "samples" to take home and see if it's what you really want to cover your floors with? Well she asked the lady at the store what they did with all of the left-over/discontinued carpet squares and she told my mom that they give them to teachers. She then followed that up with.."You're daughter is a teacher...isn't she -- wink wink, nod, nod"

So my mom left with a pile of neutral colored carpet squares (not all of the same color and texture, but there were a handful of multiples and they all seemed to mesh together well). So Tuesday night she got to work on putting together the carpet. Her plan? Figure out a pretty pattern whilealternating the colors and then duct tape (on the back where you cannot see) the
rows together to make a complete area rug. I came in to help her after she was almost finished and we ran into a few problems with some of the squares (or really rectangles) being smaller than others. It sure is frustrating when your grid doesn't match up exactly how you want it! But let me remind you...this area rug is F.R.E.E.

Anyway, so we finished it all up and I actually think it looks pretty nice! I told my mom that if I had no idea that they were carpet squares that I would just think it was a "modern" patchwork type area rug. She laughed and didn't really agree, but what do you think?! I think once I get all of our furniture in the room and have some lamps to light the area it will look great! Plus all of the carpet pieces that my mom selected areSUPER soft which will be great when the weather gets even colder here!

Wednesday night we had planned on going out for some NY pizza, but at the last minute decided to go a different route. We walked to a fun little Mexican restaurant (my fav!) and enjoyed refreshing margaritas, chips with delicious salsa and guacamole, chicken, avocado, and Monterrey jack burritos and another hard-to-explain chicken dish with a
creamy tomato sauce and fabulous mushrooms and potatoes. After our Mexican feast we headed back to the apartment and soon after crashed on our delightful air mattresses.

Thursday evening we had dinner with some family friends, actually, the woman who helped me get my current position, to thank her for her help then and for a really nice favor she did for my mom while she's was here this past week. We went to DOCKS Seafood right by Grand Central Station and enjoyed some delicious seafood dishes and a great bottle of wine...or two. :)

Friday my mom continued in her quest for gaining a "saint" title (although I think she's had it for a while now) and she spent the entire day grocery shopping for me outside of the city. She came back with a CAR FULL of fabulous necessities and some special things too, including a plant for our living
room! I am so thankful for all of the nice things that she did for me while she stayed here in the city. Now I'll be stocked with the necessities for a while!

M. drove up really late Friday evening with the moving truck and his friend drove our car up right behind him. Once they arrived we packed up my mom's car with the few things we were sending home with her (things that simply wouldn't fit in our new place) and she was off to spend the night in a hotel before heading back to NC the next morning.

Once we got M.'s friend settled in the apartment we ventured out to find a parking spot for the big moving truck. We spent about an hour and a half driving around until we finally found something. By the time we had the truck parked it was 2:15am and we desperately needed a good nights sleep before the big move. On Saturday we were up relatively early, unpacked the entire truck and were out and about enjoying the BEAUTIFUL New York city day by 12:30pm. We grabbed a quick pizza slice for lunch and then explored. M.'s friend Thomas hasn't ever been to NY so we hit all of the tourist "hot spots" and then headed back home before a quick dinner out near Columbus Circle.

Today was spent exploring a little more and pretty much just relaxing. M. helped me unpack around 5 boxes which was great and now the rest is up to me! We have a TON of stuff considering we're now living in a much smaller place, but I am determined to do the best that I can organizing and arranging everything. As soon as I have it all set up I will be sure to share some pictures!

M. and Thomas just left and it was, of course, terrible saying goodbye. Looking forward to seeing M. on Friday though!

I hope that you all had a WONDERFUL weekend and a great start to your work week tomorrow! :)


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