Looking For Adventure

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I love to travel.  Before I was married to David, I traveled the globe.  I lived abroad for
three years and I was lucky enough to visit many exotic places.

It's harder to get away these days.  My husband and I own a business.  There are family
obligations and responsibilities, so taking off for exotic foreign lands is just
not on my schedule any more.  But it does not mean that I don't have the
urge to get away.  It just means that the trips are closer to home.

So out come the maps and the dreams of taking off for a bit of fun.  I love these old
cameras.  Even though today's digital ones take great pics, the old cameras have so
much character ~ don't you agree?

So come join me for some demitasse and we can chat about trips we would love to

I am linking to


Bentley goes along whenever we travel.  He even has his own travel
bag ~ don't you Bentley?

Susan and Bentley


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