Random Pinks

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Thank you to everyone who was so kind to comment on my blog and to those who emailed me regarding the death of my Daddy. All of your kind words helped to ease my pain. I am comforted knowing that he is no longer suffering and that he is at peace. I have a few random pinks to show today for this Pink Saturday. Gentle and sweet pinks reflecting my mood.

I love cottage style because it is so warm and cozy. The world around us may be filled with sorrow and turmoil, but a cottage reflects all of the comfort and safety of home.

Pots of pink petunias, wild roses under an old tree. Vintage dishes decorated with dusty roses on a soft pink hutch. Treasured items that are faded and sweet.

A tiny stool covered in a pink floral fabric edged with some pink tassels.

A sweet little vintage plate covered with tiny pink flowers.

Lovely pink perennials that suddenly appear each spring. Cottage comforts. A place where we call home. Thank you again. I have met so many lovely bloggers who have made these last few months much sunnier for me. God Bless you all. Now please visit our friend Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday!!

Come along now dear Bentley. You are such a comfort to me.

Susan and Bentley


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