Packaging Watch: Urban Decay Primer Potion

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Almost a year ago I cut up a "finished" UDPP tube and found a sample pot worth of product which I'd not been able to get to with the standard straight applicator.  At the time, a lot of bloggers were busy cutting up their tubes and berating Urban Decay for their wasteful packaging.  UD's response was to introduce a slanted applicator, which in theory would allow you to access more of the product in the tube.

So, when I recently finished off my UDPP with the enhanced slanted tip, I thought I'd cut it up again to see if it did indeed make a difference.

The first cut, and it's not looking so good.  There's a whole load of product lurking directly underneath the mouth of the tube, even though I've been twirling the slanted applicator in an attempt to get at the product in the bulge.  I proceeded to cut off the end and transfer the remaining product into a sample pot.

After scraping the product out of the tube (and discarding the stuff immediately next to the plastic edges I cut, as they contained little bits of plastic), I ended up with a full sample pot.  Again.  It seems that the slanted applicator tip has in fact made bugger all difference to the wastage in the prettily shaped tube.

Oi, you, Urban Decay!  Please put UDPP in a squeezy tube!


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