Sunday Suppers

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I grew up in a "Leave It To Beaver" kind of family.
Mom has always been a June Cleaver type of Mom.
One of my favorite memories from my childhood is
Sunday Supper.

The Sunday meal at our house was always special.
Flowers on the table, candles were lit, the good china, silver and crystal
were on the table and soft music was in the background.

Mom served the meal early in the afternoon. There was always
an appetizer, followed by a roast of some sort, vegetable and a salad.

Mom always served a special dessert too which of
course was the highlight of the meal.

It was a time for us to sit down as a family and share our lives.
Mom insisted on only happy discussions.

Spending time with family and friends and enjoying a meal
together is important and it's a way to create
treasured memories.

Right Bentley??

Susan and Bentley


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